Greetings friends of the Bartlett Roundhouse!

As you can see from the previous posting, this is an exciting day for the Society!  We have received a $25000 grant from the NH Land and Community Heritage Investment Program, to be used with allocated matching funds from other sources, to repair and restore all of the exterior walls of the Roundhouse, except the front main door area and the backs of stalls one and two, which our latest grant from the Moose Plate Program allowed us to achieve.  This is a historic moment for us.  We are now a huge step closer to our ultimate goal of creating a railroad history museum and interpretive center on railroading in Bartlett, Crawford Notch, and northern New Hampshire.

Those of us involved in the project from the beginning weren't even thinking this far ahead when we began the process just to save and stabilize the structure back in 2006.  This was so far in the future for us that we couldn't even hope to see this day coming.  We had great ideas back then, but little to begin with.  Now we are actively moving the restoration and repair project so far forward that the dream of a museum in place here is now a reality.  Our goal to get this museum up and running within the next six or seven years is now really possible!

Passion for this project, from that of our original President, Scott Mallett, and executive board, and those of us who are now guiding the process forward, is strong, enthusiastic, excited, and determined to see our roundhouse brought back to life.  Passion is what gets us motivated to achieve what we need to.  We are lucky to have this, for, without it, the roundhouse would have been long ago torn down.

We invite all who read this to view our blog and our Facebook page and to become familiar with our efforts and results.  Hopefully, more of you will take the time to help us keep this project moving forward through your donations and support,

Thanks again to the LCHIP board for their consideration of our project's worth to the historic fabric of our heritage here in New Hampshire, and their honoring us with this grant.

Thanks also to the Bartlett Roundhouse Preservation Society board and members for their hard work over the years making this dream come to fruition.

Watch this site for further updates as we move forward!

Pete Davis
Bartlett Roundhouse Preservation Society

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